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KASANDRA® – Software for a real-time prediction of the risk of defect apparition

Simulación predictiva para fundición de hierro. Predicción de la aparición de defectos de contracción en fundición de hierro esferoidal, laminar y grafito compacto.

Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies

THERMOLAN® – Metallurgical quality prediction for iron casting

Aseguramiento de la calidad metalúrgica del metal líquido. Herramienta de análisis térmico para el aseguramiento de la calidad de la fundición de hierro de grafito esferoidal, grafito...

Prediction of the internal soundness of the castings directly on the production line. Importance of quality variations

Mechanisms of Formation of Degenerated Graphite in Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron

Optimization of ductile iron casting production by using advanced thermal analysis and simulation techniques

Compact graphite iron’s real time manufacturing control by thermal analysis

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Application of Thermal Analysis to the metallurgical control of the casting process

Is Thermal Analysis Able to Provide Carbon and Silicon Contents of Cast Irons?

KASANDRA® – Software for a real-time prediction of the risk of defect apparition

Simulación predictiva para fundición de hierro. Predicción de la aparición de defectos de contracción en fundición de hierro esferoidal, laminar y grafito compacto.

THERMOLAN® – Metallurgical quality prediction for iron casting

Aseguramiento de la calidad metalúrgica del metal líquido. Herramienta de análisis térmico para el aseguramiento de la calidad de la fundición de hierro de grafito esferoidal, grafito...

Prediction of the internal soundness of the castings directly on the production line. Importance of quality variations

June 29, 2021

Mechanisms of Formation of Degenerated Graphite in Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron

June 29, 2021

Optimization of ductile iron casting production by using advanced thermal analysis and simulation techniques

June 29, 2021

Compact graphite iron’s real time manufacturing control by thermal analysis

June 29, 2021

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Application of Thermal Analysis to the metallurgical control of the casting process

June 29, 2021

Is Thermal Analysis Able to Provide Carbon and Silicon Contents of Cast Irons?

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