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Metallurgical R&D+i

Development of New Metallic Materials

We break the known limits of materials to address new challenges and fields of application.

We develop new metallic alloys with improved mechanical properties: more resistant to wear, corrosion, and thermal fatigue, adapted to the new industrial, environmental and social challenges.


The search for a cost-performance balance, product sustainability, the creation of new manufacturing means and exploring new fields of application are our main action fields.


We combine scientific and industrial methods, through the use of themokinetic and thermochemical simulation tools, the manufacture of experimental alloys and the continuous optimization based on performance assessment.

New advanced materials by the hybridization of scientific and industrial methods

Contact our team to know how a new material can improve the competitiveness of your products.

We can help you.

Re·Thinking Metallurgy

«Our work is aimed at mastering the physics and the chemistry that govern the behavior of metallic alloys, the phenomena that take place during manufacturing processes and the conditions that affect the useful life of metallic components.

We rethink metallurgy to develop more effective, efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes that favor the manufacture of components with enhanced properties and that open up new fields of application».

Garikoitz Artola, PhD

Garikoitz Artola, PhD
Director of Forming Technologies

Susana Méndez, PhD

Susana Méndez, PhD
Director of Foundry Technologies

Aitor Loizaga

Aitor Loizaga
Iron Foundry Technologies

Asier Bakedano, PhD

Asier Bakedano, PhD
Light Materials

Fernando Santos.

Fernando Santos
Special Materials and Processes

Lucía Unamunzaga

Lucía Unamunzaga
Sustainability and Environment

Dra. Enara Mardaras

Enara Mardaras, PhD
Corrosion and Protection of Materials

Dr. Javier Nieves

Javier Nieves, PhD
Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies

Contacta con Garikoitz.

Contacta con Susana.

Contacta con Ibon

Contacta con Asier.

Contacta con Fernando.

Contacta con Lucía.

Contacta con Enara.

Contacta con Javier.

Contact Garikoitz.

Contact Susana.

Contact Ibon

Contact Asier.

Contact Fernando.

Contact Lucía.

Contact Enara.

Contact Javier.

How can we help you?

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Get in touch with Andoni

Contacta con Ramón

Contacta con Xabier

Contact with Maider Muro

Contact with Dr. Urko de la Torre

Contact with Dra. Anna Regordosa

Contact with Aitor Loizaga

Contact with Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez

Contact with Ander Areitioaurtena.

Contact with David Aristondo.

Contact with Juan J. Bravo.

Contact with David Garcia.

Contact with Jose Ramon.

Contact with Oihana.

Keep up with AZTERLAN’s activity.

Contact with David.

Contact with Ibon.

Contact with Hegoi.

Contact with Itziar.

Contact with Erika.

Contact with Beñat.

Contact with John.

Contact José Javier.