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Iron Foundry


Real time predictive simulation for spheroidal graphite iron foundry

High yield designs and a zero defect production for a greater competitiveness.

Avoid shrinkage and micro-shrinkage defects in your castings.

Kasandra® is the real time simulation software for spheroidal graphite foundry which, incorporating metallurgical quality (that is, thermal analysis and composition parameters) as a variable, provides a REAL TIME PREDICTION of the risk of apparition of contraction defects in critical zones of the components.

In order to perform the most reliable prediction, Kasandra® integrates the following data from the manufacturing process in actual time:

José Manuel Gutiérrez
José Manuel Gutiérrez

Modeling and simulation

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Real time critical information

Know whether the quality of the melt will lead to defects apparition and their expected location. Adjust metallurgical features and feeding systems to ensure a quality outcome.

Unique features of every process

Exceed simulations based on standard parameters, incorporating the specific characteristics of your foundry and the quality of your melt.

Improve efficiency and yield

In real time, you will be able to implement corrective actions depending on the risk of critical defects aparition detected.

Ensure the quality of every batch and melt

Save costs and improve yield by optimizing the feeding capacity and the features of the melt. 

Before After

Define the metallurgical needs of castings

During engineering phase, Kasandra engine is a powerful tool that outperforms other simulation tools by integrating metallurgical features for prediction and provides the keys to design and adjust metallurgical features and feeding systems:

  • High yield designs and reduction in the number of risers applied.
  • Considering graphite formation stages and composition needs.
  • Reliable tool to perform feasibility studies and quotation (RFQ).

Know if the melt is suitable for manufacturing

Kasandra lite screen

In production process, Kasandra lite interface makes it possible to clear every melt, ladder by ladder, before being poured into the molds:

  • In real time, determines the risk of metallurgical quality of the melt to provoke the apparition of defects in parts.
  • Favors the implementation of corrective action by acting over the features of the metal, casting by casting.
  • Reduces final inspections and controls.

System features


  • Compatible with Windows.
  • Different user interfaces adapted to use environments: Kasandra engine for engineering phase and Kasandra lite for production plant.


To incorporate metallurgical quality into the fill simulation, Kasandra® needs to incorporate a thermal analysis system. Although the standard configuration of the system offered by AZTERLAN contemplates the application of Thermolan®, the Kasandra® system can be configured with other thermal analysis tools on the market.

Related solutions

Control your manufacturing process

Contact our team if you think that a smart management of your manufacturing process can improve your results.


Shaping the
Foundry of the Future

“The Foundry of the Future is that of connected processes that is able to take advantage of the knowledge generated inside the company at the same time that it keeps learning from its manufacturing and market experience.

Along with a deep knowledge of metallurgy, Industry 4.0 technologies, advanced data management systems and machine learning technologies have landed in this industry to transform the way castings are conceived”.

Susana Méndez, PhD

Susana Méndez, PhD
Director of Foundry Technologies

Aitor Loizaga

Aitor Loizaga
Iron Foundry Technologies

Asier Bakedano, PhD

Asier Bakedano, PhD
Light Materials

Dr. Javier Nieves

Javier Nieves, PhD
Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies



Jarri kontaktuan José Manuelekin.

Contact José Manuel.

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