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Diagnosis and Failure Analysis

Forensic study of the origin of in-service failures, functional problems and manufacturing defects.

Design of analytical programs adapted to each casuistry of study, aimed at determining the root cause of failures, deficiencies related to the functional behavior of the components, and/or problems or defects in their manufacturing processes.

The purpose of the activity in the area of diagnosis and failure analysis is to determine the root cause of an unexpected event, be it a break or a malfunction (failure analysis) or any other problem that is normally linked to the material, its manufacturing process, assembly, improper use, etc.

A rigorous and systematic data collection methodology is required, as well as extensive and consolidated metallurgical training for the interpretation of findings and/or results and the issuance of diagnoses adjusted to the analytical possibilities of each situation.

The results of these studies can provide vital information to designers and product and engineering managers to detect possible deficiencies and weaknesses in their designs or processes, which help them prevent future incidents.

Josean Goñi

Technical Manager of
Diagnosis and Failure Analysis

our offer

Service typology

Most common study cases

Multidisciplinary study based on the combination of various analytical techniques

  • Spark and plasma emission spectrometry
  • X-ray fluorescence
  • Mass ICP
  • Automatic analyzers
  • etc.

Traction, hardness, impact resistance, bending, dynamic fatigue tests, etc.

Analysis based on optical microscopy.

Non-destructive inspection techniques (NDT): ultrasonics, magnetic particles, penetrating liquids).

Técnicas de Rayos X:

  • Radioscopía
  • Tomografía axial computerizada.

Analysis of the apparition and evolution of cracks using: stereoscopic magnifying glass, digital microscopy, scanning electron microscopy.

Salt fog, climatic tests and condensation tests.

Acid corrosion tests for stainless steels and nickel alloys. HIC trials.

  • Evaluation of micro-morphological characters to assess fracture and damage mechanisms.
  • Evaluation of scope and morphology mechanism of deterioration in surfaces.
  • Identification of discrete particles in hydraulic systems.
  • Characterization of contaminations, corrosion deposits, micro inclusions in the steel.

Studies of tightening torque on screws and coefficients of friction on fixing elements (screws and nuts of different caliber).

Identifying the causes of a failure or defect is critical to develop solutions


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