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When is a Cast Iron Eutectic?
The literature often mentions that cast irons that appear eutectic by thermal analysis are hypereutectic if one refers to the
Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron
Since its first literature mention in conjunction with cast iron in 1931 by Esser and Lautenbusch, thermal analysis (TA) has
Weldability Evaluation of Alloy 718 Investment Castings with Different Si Contents and Thermal Stories and Hot Cracking Mechanism in Their Laser Beam Welds
In this work, weldability and hot cracking susceptibility of five alloy 718 investment castings in laser beam welding (LBW) were
Hot Stamping Research Scenarios from the Last Decade
Hot stamping technology has shown a significant scientific yield in the last decade. The research activity in that field has
Die Material Selection Criteria for Aluminum Hot Stamping
The aim of this work is to develop a die material selection criterion for aluminum hot stamping applications. The criterion
Nodule Count, End of Solidification Cooling Rate, and Shrinkage Porosity Correlations in High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Iron
High-silicon spheroidal graphite (SG) irons present higher changes of density during the solidification process when compared to normal SG irons.
Quantitative Analysis of Solidification of Compacted Graphite Irons – A Modelling Approach
Several X-ray topography studies which have appeared recently in the literature show compacted graphite in cast iron consisting of coarse
Hydrogen Assisted Fracture of 30MnB5 High Strength Steel: A Case Study
When steel components fail in service due to the intervention of hydrogen assisted cracking, discussion of the root cause arises.
Chunky Graphite in Low and High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons–Occurrence, Control and Effect on Mechanical Properties
Thermal analysis is largely used in cast-iron foundry shops as a means to check melt preparation before casting. It has
Study of Graphite Nucleation in High Sulfur Ductile Irons
It is well known that sulfur is an excellent promoter of graphite and plays an important role in its formation.
Revisiting Thermal Analysis of Hypereutectic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons
High silicon ductile irons are being developed due to their advantages relating to pearlitic-ferritic grades (high ductility, fully ferritic structures,
Hopper-skeletal and hemispherical crystallization of graphite in iron–carbon–silicon alloys
The growth of graphite during solidification and solid-state transformation of Fe–C–Si alloys continues to be the subject of extensive research.
Influence of graphite morphology on electrochemical corrosion behaviour in cast irons
Cast irons are widely used in the automotive industry due to its excellent castability, fluidity, machinability and wear resistance. Industrial
Comparison of solidification kinetics of compacted and lamellar cast irons
Thermal analysis is largely used in cast-iron foundry shops as a means to check melt preparation before casting. It has
Effect of the section size, holding temperature and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron
The present research work studies the effect of section size, holding temperature and time on the microstructure and mechanical properties
Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)
La aleación secundaria de aluminio AlSi9Cu3(Fe) es una de las aleaciones más utilizada a nivel mundial en la fundición de