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Desarrollos y capacidades:
Influence of 1 wt-% addition of Ni on structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons
Two sets of ductile irons with and without Ni additions containing various low Si contents have been prepared in order
Critical temperature range in standard and Ni-bearing spheroidal graphite cast irons
Describing the conditions for reaustenitization of spheroidal graphite cast irons is of interest for theirheat-treatment after casting, e.g. for manufacturing
Optimization of chemical bonded sand moulds for big size cast components. Reduction of manufacturing costs
The production of big size cast components to accomplish the demanding market requirements requires advanced design concepts, a proper metallurgical
Gray Cast iron with high austenite to eutectic ratio. Part III. High strength, low hardness, high carbon equivalent gray iron with superfine graphite
The standard methods to increase the mechanical properties of gray cast iron include the use of a lower carbon equivalent
Gray cast iron with high austenite-to eutectic ratio. Part II. Increasing the austenite-to eutectic ratio trough inoculation
A higher amount of primary austenite in the microstructure of gray iron typically results in higher strength, if the pearlite-to-ferrite
Gray cast iron with high austenite to eutectic ratio. Part I. Calculation and experimental evaluation of the fraction of primary austenite in cast iron
The amount of primary austenite at the end of solidification in the microstructure of cast iron has a direct impact
Influence of wt.% addition of Ni on the structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons
Two sets of ductile irons with and without Ni additions containing various low Si contents have been prepared in order
Experimental evidence of metallurgical modification associated to chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron castings
Heavy-section castings made of spheroidal graphite cast irons are known to be prone to graphite degeneracy. Upon the various degenerate
Relationship between casting modulus and grain size in cast A356 aluminium alloys
Microstructure of Al-Si alloy castings depends most generally on melt preparation and on the cooling rate imposed by the thermal
Effect of various dopant elements on primary graphite growth
Five spheroidal graphite cast irons were investigated, a usual ferritic grade and four pearlitic alloys containing Cu and doped with
Effect of alloying on mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic nodular cast irons
The development of low temperature applications for ferritic nodular cast irons calls for improved materials in the as cast state,
Formación de grafito chunky en piezas de pequeño espesor fabricadas utilizando fundición de hierro con grafito esferoidal
El grafito chunky es una malformación detectada habitualmente en las zonas de última solidificación pertenecientes a piezas de fundición grafítica
Influencia de la composición química de diferentes chatarras de acero sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal
Se han seleccionado diferentes chatarras de acero comerciales, con el fin de analizar las implicaciones de su utilización como materias
Improved Analytical Method for Chemical Analysis of Cast Irons Application to Castings with Chunky Graphite
Chunky graphite is a particular form of graphite degeneracy that appears in the centre of large iron castings, with a
Diseño de molde para el establecimiento de la relación entre resultados de análisis térmico y microestructura del aluminio A357 en moldeo por microfusión
El tratamiento del metal fundido resulta esencial para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de las aleaciones de aluminio. Los métodos de
Effect of selected alloying elements on mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast irons
There is a continuous demand for low-cost nodular cast irons with improved mechanical properties, this being an industrial requirement both