Materials Science Forum vol. 636-637
Fundición de hierro, I+D+i, Iker Asenjo, Jacques Lacaze, Jon Sertucha, Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suarez, Tecnologías de fundición
The influence of post-inoculation and of cerium and antimony additions on the solidification process and on the formation of chunky graphite in ductile iron heavy-section parts have been studied previously in the case of near-eutectic alloys. It appeared of interest to complement these works by analysing the effect of carbon equivalent on graphite degeneracy. In the present work, hypo-, hyper- and near-eutectic melts have been cast in large blocks and standard cups. Analysis of the corresponding cooling curves recorded during solidification as well as microstructure observations on these casts have been carried out. A clear effect of carbon equivalent as promoter of chunky graphite formation is observed. The results have been added to the set of data already available and various correlations are discussed.
Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT), S. Armendariz, Pello Larrañaga (AZTERLAN), Iker Asenjo (AZTERLAN), Jon Sertucha (AZTERLAN), Ramón Suárez (AZTERLAN)
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