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Korrosioarekiko eta/edo higadurarekiko erresistentzia handiagoa duen burdinurtuzko zati bat sortzeko metodoa, eta metodo horren bidez lortutako burdinazko osagarria
A method for producing a cast iron part comprising: a) obtaining a reactive paint comprising at least one
New EoL Routes of Al-Li Aircraft Integral LBW and FSW Welded Panels including New Cr-Free Coatings
The end of fife (EoL) of new aircraft panels made of Al-Li alloys in which the stringers and
Embedded conductors in solidified molten metal for winding packs for high-field stellarators
The potential advantages of high-field stellarators are currently being recognised, as previously happened with tokamaks. However, the winding
Obtaining Perfect Critical Automotive Safety Components through Behavioral Monitoring and Simulation using Digital Twins
With the aim of obtaining the perfect component and manufacturing process without defects or claims, an ecosystem of
Evolution of the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron during the Thermal Cycle of the Melt: Furnace – Ladle – Heating/Pouring Unit
The final properties of a ductile iron and its nucleation potential are determined by the different processes undergone
Itsas-korrosioarekiko erresistenteak diren osagaiak, CRA estalduren bidez
Korrosioarekiko erresistenteak diren aleazioak, edo CRA (Corrosion Resistant Alloys), fenomeno horren aurrean dituzten propietateengatik dira ezagunak, eta asko
On the Mechanism of Formation of Bimodal Grain Structure in Al–4.5Mg–0.7Sc–0.3Zr Alloy Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Scalmalloy is an Al–Mg alloy with additions of Sc and Zr originally developed as a high-strength aluminum alloy
Damping behaviour of high silicon nodular cast iron
This work focused on producing and characterizing high silicon cast irons (microstructural analysis, tensile properties, damping capacity, elastic
Influencia del recubrimiento Zn-Ni en la resistencia del acero 300M estimada mediante Small Punch Testing
Egindako azterketaren helburu nagusia da Zn-Ni estaldura erabiltzea bideragarria den egiaztatzea, bai eta deshidrogenatze-prozesua burutzeko parametroak mugatzea ere.
ESPEZIALIZAZIO-EREMUA Hari bidez finkatzeko elementuak Torloju, azkoin, zirritu eta multzo hariztatuen kalitatea eta ezaugarritzea. 3.1 eta 3.2 ziurtapen-saiakuntzak
Effects of Different Si Content and Thermal Stories on the Secondary Phase Formation, Hot Ductility, and Stress Rupture Properties of Alloy 718 Investment Castings
Herein, the effects of microstructure on high-temperature properties (hot ductility and stress rupture life) were investigated in alloy
Intermediate temperature brittleness of a high-silicon spheroidal graphite cast iron
The target of this research work was characterizing high temperature mechanical properties of an as-cast ferritic HiSi SGI.
Osagarrien garbitasun tekniko maila
Saiakuntza nabermendua Osagaien garbitasun teknikoaren maila ENAC akreditazioa, ISO 16232 arauaren arabera. VDA 19 gidaren zehaztapenak. Informazio gehiago
Influence of the shielding gas in laser metal deposition of AISI 316L
Shielding gases are a must in metal additive manufacturing. Consequently, their influence on the materials employed in technologies
L-DED numerical model for sensor embedding
Sensor integration is one of the drivers in modern industry for obtaining real-time data and enabling transition to
Burdinurtu harikorra prestatzeko metodoa eta konposizio gehigarria eta metodo horren bidez lor daitekeen burdinurtu harikorra
The present invention relates to a method for preparing ductile cast iron, comprising the steps of (a) melting