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Procedure for predicting the mechanical properties of pieces obtained by casting
Procedure that enables future mechanical properties to be determined based on real-time observation of the process variables; that

Understanding compacted graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments
While the manufacture of compacted graphite (CG) iron castings has seen significant expansion over the recent years, the

Effect of Cu, Mn and Sn on pearlite growth kinetics in as-cast ductile irons
In a previously published work, pearlite growth in cast irons was investigated and it was claimed that growth

On the stable eutectic solidification of iron-carbon-silicon alloys
Extensive effort was expanded to elucidate the growth and morphology of the stable eutectic grains during early solidification

Microstructure of As-cast Ferritic-pearlitic Nodular Cast Irons
A review of past works on the formation of ferrite and pearlite in nodular cast iron is proposed.

Influence of deep cryogenic treatment routes on the mechanical behaviour of a Cr-Mo-V hot work tool steel
Cryogenic treatments have shown a remarkable potential for improving the in-service performance of many tool steels despite the

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación
En las empresas de fundición es habitual la utilización de herramientas de simulación numérica, con el fin de

Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis
The production of high quality parts for automotive and aircraft industries requires both improved melt processing and effective

New As-Cast Ductile Iron Raises Bar for Properties
Ductile iron has a wide range of mechanical properties, depending on its metallic matrix. The material can replace
An Overview of Research Activities at IK4-Azterlan and Recent Technologies
IK4-Azterlan is a metallurgical research centre with broad experience in casting and solidification technologies for cast iron, steel

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology
Primary AlSi10MnMg alloy is the most widely used alloy for manufacturig of vacuum assisted high pressure die castings

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology
Primary AlSi10MnMg alloy is widely used for manufacturing of high ductility VPDC castings. This alloy combines low Fe

Processing Thickness Window for As-cast Ausferritic Castings
A process to obtain ausferritic as-cast microstructures through engineered cooling after solidification (without heat treatment) was developed in

Graphite and Solid Fraction Evolutions during Solidification of Nodular Cast Irons
In previous studies, the process parameters to obtain ausferritic ductile iron in as-cast conditions by means of engineered

Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments
The tensile strength of near-eutectic gray iron can be increased from 230–300 to 300–345MPa, without a significant increase

Aluminio aleazioko pieza moldeatu baten egituraren aurreikuspen-metodoa
The invention relates to a method for predicting at least one first characteristic parameter of a structure of