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New Approach to Develop Ductile Cast Iron Digital Grade for Automotive Components

This research work demonstrates that new cast iron materials can be developed aided by an expert digital twin (manufacturing twin) and model predictive controls developed based on artificial intelligent tools. The well-known EN GJS-550 high strength standard material grade with yield strength exceeding 370 MPa, commonly used for safety components, can be replaced with the new HS420/250 grade with a yield strength higher than 420 MPa, elongation higher than 5%, with the resulting hardness maintained below 250 HB (Brinell Hardness). The new high yield strength material grade was developed by expert analysis of industrial manufacturing data with monitored automotive brake anchors for more than one year. This 13.5% increase in yield strength opens new design opportunities for lightweight cast iron components. Using the model predictive control and the corrective protocols developed, a light weight designed automotive brake anchors component was successfully manufactured with the new high yield strength material.


Ana I. Fernández-Calvo, Jon Garay, Dale Johnson (Continental Teves), Cristina Monteiro (AAPICO Maia), Ramón Suárez, Asier González-Zabala.


Modulu adimenduna, Erabaki-zuhaitzak, Sare bayestarra, algoritmo adimendunak, galda-material berriak, malgutasuna, diseinu arindua, Digimat proiektua


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Jarri kontaktuan Ander Areitioaurtena-rekin.

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