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Workshop “Machining Strategies for Foundry. Advanced Developments in Metallic Materials and Hydraulic Systems Machining Fluids”

It will take place on March 22nd at IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgic Research Centre with the participation of FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U.


To gain knowledge about the most usual problems in the machining of foundry pieces as well as about strategies of control and advanced solutions regarding these problems are areas of great interest for Foundry sector.

In this context, the technical workshop “Machining Strategies for Foundry. Advanced Developments in Metallic Materials and Hydraulic Systems Machining Fluids”, organised by the Tabira Foundry Institute and IK4-AZTERLAN Technology Centre with the collaboration of FUCHS LUBRICANTES, S.A.U., will take place to share advanced knowledge on components of this kind and to explain the methodologies followed in the development of products for metals’ machining. For that purpose, the main testing procedures that reproduce the behaviour of the process will be reviewed.

The workshop will also address machining fluids for the processing of metals. These fluids are subject to a great variety of requirements which are also experiencing significant advances. Along with that, challenges regarding modern hydraulic circuits designed to operate in high pressure, high velocity of pumps and with more adjusted deposits and retention times implying a great challenge for innovation and development of new lubricants will be shared. Also, current regulatory frame (CLP mixtures classification + biocides law) and important legislative changes that affect this type of products and that will become effective in 2018 will be detailed.

More details about the workshop

It will take place at the IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgic Research Centre. The whole program and inscription procedure can be found in this link.


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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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