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Workshop: “Novel high performance materials and components”

Energy intensive industries require a radical transformation of their production processes to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Future low carbon technologies and processes should address fluctuating and extreme conditions, such as high temperature or corrosive environments, materials and components that will need to be able to be sustained. In the same way, they also need to be designed for high-energy performance.

This online webinar organized within the P4P Partnership of A.SPIRE aimed at presenting the main advances achieved within some of the projects aligned with the LC-SPIRE-08-2020 work-topic. 

Almost three years after the SPIRE08 funding call for Industrial Sustainability launched by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, the six awarded projects in charge of developing novel high-performance materials and components gathered in a public webinar to present and share their first results.

  • HIPERMAT project: “New generation of refractory stainless steels for the industry. The effect of cooling rate during solidification on high temperature properties”. Fernando Santos, AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre.
  • ACHIEF project: “Rapid development of new materials through the use of a combined approach of generative and physics-based models”. Andrea Gregores Coto, R&D Robotics & Automation.
  • TOPAM project: “Material Design for Additive Manufacturing: Enablers in Industrial Sustainability”. Ulrich Krupp, IEHK, RWTH-AACHEN UNIVERSITY.
  • CEM-WAVE project: “Enabling the potential of Ceramic Matrix Composites for energy-intensive industries”. Roberto D’Ambrosio , University of PISA.
  • COMPASsCO2 project: “Novel Cr-based alloys strengthened by intermetallics for structural and coating applications at high-temperatures +800°C”. Kan Ma, University of Birmingham + Mathias Galetz, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut.
  • FORGE project: “Development of metal coatings by data/physics-based modelling of Compositionally Complex Alloys”. Alvise Bianchin, MBN nanomaterialia s.p.a.
Fernando Santos.
Fernando Santos

Sepecial Materials and Processes

unded by European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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