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Workshop: “Technological developments and advanced experiences on energy efficiency improvement in the metal-mechanic industry”

This technical event will be held next June 28th in the facilities of IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Center. It will gather international experts from both, industry and research sectors.


Introducing innovations that allow more sustainable and efficient energy consumption levels is a necessity shared by all industrial sectors. Among other technological developments, those targeted at the recovery of waste energy and/or at the reuse and valorization of industry waste streams offer great chances to promote a transition towards a more sustainable industry from both, the economic and environmental point of view.

Framed within the Sustainable Energy Week 2018, the Metallurgy Research Centre IK4-Azterlan coordinates the “Innovation for an energy efficient industry” technical workshop to share successful experiences in different operational fields and industrial applications.

The event will count with the participation of experts from international organizations such as  DOW Material Sciences, MET Modern E – Technologies, TELUR geothermal and water, S.A., CIC ENERGIGUNE, TEKNIKER-IK4, EVE Basque Energy Board and IK4-AZTERLAN, who will share different technological solutions that promote energy efficiency in the industry, from innovative systems for the recovery of waste heat or the use of renewable energy in leading automotive companies in (PIERBURG S.A. and BRUSS S.L.), to the valorization of industrial waste for energy applications.

The workshop is aimed at technical staff from energy denamnding companies and industries, professionals from energy companies and maintenance and environmental technicians and specialists, as well as at researchers from technology centres and universities.

 Assistance to the event is free but previous registration is compulsory.

  • Place: IK4-AZTERLAN Metallurgy Research Centre

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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