Industry 4.0 for aluminum foundry: an optimal management of the process to enhance competitiveness of the company

A standard HPDC industrial manufacturing process is likely to present the following characteristics:
  • Equipment by different manufacturers and of different generations.
  • Equipment offering data of very different accuracy.
  • Monitoring systems limited to each machine and builder proprietary.
  • HPDC machines offering some basic parameters (V1, V2, Pressure, Stroke, …).
Therefore, getting reliable, accurate, homogeneous and standardized data, settling correlations between them is a key need towards building an architecture that will allow to control the manufacturing process in real time. In this presentation an HPDC 4.0 architecture is proposed by combining:
  • Sensors, placed in relevant areas close to the phenomena to be measured.
  • Signal processers by standardize monitoring systems.
  • Centralized control (brain) that correlates data and sends messages and signals to workers and equipment to assure a correct performance and outcome.
Asier Bakedano (AZTERLAN), Sergio Orden (AZTERLAN), Emili Barbarias (AZTERLAN), Ibon Lizarralde (AZTERLAN), Ramón Suárez (AZTERLAN), Uwe Gauermann (ELECTRONICS GmbH).

4.0 industry, aluminum, High Pressure Die Casting, HPDC, intelligent process monitoring.


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