Euro Nano Forum 2023
Andrea Niklas, Hipermat, I+D+i, Materiales y procesos especiales
Modified cast austenitic alloys have been designed to enhance the creep strength of rollers and beams of a rolling beam furnace used in the hot stamping industry. Microstructure and creep properties of the modified alloys were compared to the currently used alloy (AISI 310). Small additions of C, Mo, W and Nb as well as modification of Cr and Ni contents have been proposed for enhancing the creep strength. Creep tests were carried out at two test conditions, 930 °C/48 MPa and 950 °C/25 MPa respectively. Especially, one of the alloys showed outstanding creep properties, its creep rupture life was in both test conditions about six times larger than that of AISI 310. Microstructure investigation showed in all sample the precipitation of M23C6 secondary carbides with different chemical compositions depending on the alloying element addition.
Andrea Niklas, Fernando Santos.
Acero inoxidable austenítico; AISI 310; Microestructura; carburos secundarios M23C6; Creep, proyecto HiperMAT.
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