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The H2MAT project presents the results obtained after 2 years of research focused on the development of materials for the transport and storage of hydrogen

On January 19, the closing session of the H2MAT project “Hybrid multilayer metal structures to be used in contact with hydrogen” was held. The project, financed by the Basque Government’s Elkartek program, began in 2022 and has had the participation of several agents from the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network.

After starting the meeting with the welcome from the representative of the Basque Energy Cluster Marcos Suárez García, Iñaki Hurtado, representative of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the coordinator of the project, explained the current situation of materials in the world and made a brief presentation of the H2MAT project, remarking that this collaborative project has been targeted at “designing, understanding and controlling the physical and chemical nature of the interface between high entropy alloys (HEA) and steel, in the search for alternatives to the materials currently in use for the transport and storage of hydrogen”.

Afterwards, several participants in the consortium presented the conclusions of the project:

  • “High Entropy Alloys (HEAs): characteristics and possible use in contact with Hydrogen”. Presented by Fernando Santos, head of the Special Materials and Processes research line at AZTERLAN.
  • “HEA-steel hybridization: compatibility and interfaces obtained by different technologies”, presented by Nerea Burgos Garcia from CEIT.
  • “Permeation, adsorption and absorption of Hydrogen in steels: technologies.” Teresa Guraya from UPV/EHU.

In his speech, the representative of AZTERLAN explained that high-entropy nickel-based alloys “present greater microstructural homogeneity when thermally treated and by increasing the cooling rate” which, in turn, increases their amorphous character. Likewise, he mentioned that “Cantor-type high-entropy alloys present very promising initial results in terms of resistance to hydrogen embrittlement, as well as very good chemical compatibility with steels to create bimetals.”

After the presentations, a dialogue session took place in which the companies and organizations present had the opportunity to present their interests and offer their points of view on the different aspects of the project.

About H2MAT

During its two-year duration, the research work carried out by the H2MAT consortium has been dedicated to developing new hybrid metallic structures to be used throughout the value chain of the hydrogen (H2) industry. This is a disruptive bet aimed at making a qualitative leap in the field of materials used in the energy sector.

The H2MAT project has been led by MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA, and has had the participation of 8 agents from the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation, such as the BRTA members AZTERLAN, CEIT and TECNALIA, together with the ENERGY CLUSTER, SIDENOR R&D, TUBACEX INNOVACIÓN and the UPV/EHU.

Fernando Santos H2MAT

Fernando Santos, head of AZTERLAN’s Special Materials and Processes research line, presents “High Entropy Alloys (HEAs): characteristics and possible use in contact with Hydrogen” in the closing session of H2MAT.

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RE·Thinking Metallurgy. 40+ años acompañando a la industria metal-mecánica.

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