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Study of the corrosion resistance of powder mixture coatings carried out by means of LMD

This study is carried out with the objective of demonstrating the feasibility of using LMD technology to regulate the resistance to pitting corrosion in terms of Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) within the fork defined by AISI 316L and Inco alloys. 625, on a 42CrMo4 substrate.

To this end, the following methodology has been applied:

  • Definition of powder metallurgy with different percentages of selected alloys
  • Adequate definition of overlay parameters to guarantee the integrity of the coating and its impact on the substrate
  • Development of coupons with the defined parameters for their subsequent characterization
  • Elemental and microstructural characterization
  • Advanced characterization of response to corrosion tests (polarization and EIS), SPT test (in process), Thermocalc and DRX.
Enara Mardaras (AZTERLAN), Rodolfo González-Martínez< (AZTERLAN), Garikoitz Artola (AZTERLAN), Unai Garate (MESHIND).

Corrosion resistance, alloyed steels, laser metal deposition, powder metallurgy, super alloys, pitting corrosion, pitting.


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