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Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis

The production of high quality parts for automotive and aircraft industries requires both improved melt processing and effective control tools which can assure the melt quality in terms of Si modification before casting. Thermal analysis is a highly interesting metallurgical quality control tool, well suited for use in casting plants as it is easy to handle and provides quick results. In this work, the effect of strontium fading on eutectic silicon modification and on the solidification curve of an A356 and A319 alloy was studied. Eutectic silicon modification was assessed by image analysis of characteristic features of the silicon particles. A correlation with the cooling curve parameters at the eutectic arrest was established.


Saioa Eguskiza, Andrea Niklas, Ana Isabel Fernández-Calvo, Fernando Santos, Mile Djurdjevic 


aluminum-silicon alloys, thermal analysis, modification, Sr fading.


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