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Method for designing feeding systems of cast iron pieces

The invention relates to a method for designing optimized feeding systems of cast iron pieces. It is based on trying to maintain a thermal equilibrium in different areas of the piece such that metal housings are areas for the actual piece instead of for associated risers or sprues. For such purpose the invention proposes:

  • breaking down the piece into areas split by the different sectional jumps produced in the piece
  • measuring the solidification moduli of each area;
  • identifying the transfer areas;
  • measuring a critical time for the transfer areas;
  • measuring the solid fraction that would be reached in the areas after the transfer areas in the previous critical time,
  • comparing the solid fraction reached in the critical time with a certain solid fraction value called minimum solid fraction.

José Manuel Gutiérrez, Aitor Loizaga, Ramón Suárez.


Feeding systems, modelization, simulation, cast iron, zero defects.


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