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Investigation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Quenchable High-Strength Steels in Hot Stamping

The interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) is determined in the industrial range of contact pressure applied during the hot stamping process of boron steel sheets, under similar conditions to those used in industrial practice. The mechanical properties and microstructure of the parts are also examined. Moreover, the influence of the stamping pressure on the IHTC is investigated in detail via mechanical property and microstructural characterization.


Anton Gorrino (UPV/EHU), Carlos Angulo (UPV/EHU), Maider Muro (AZTERLAN), Julián Izaga (AZTERLAN).


Contact Pressure, Wire Electrical Discharge Machine, Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient, Boron Steel, 22MnB5 Steel.


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