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Improved mechanical properties in A356-T6 alloy using ablation technology

Ablation is a technology different enough from casting to ask for a revision of some conventionally comparable factors like the Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing (SDAS). In ablation, molten metal fills the aggregate mold providing the casting shape. Then, the mold (formed by aggregate bonded with a fluid soluble binder) is thereupon ablated by an appropriate fluid, and the solidifying metal is rapidly cooled down. In contrast to any other casting technology, in ablation, shaping and final solidifying cooling are well differentiated processes. Factors that are of interest for cavity filling do not result a hindrance during cooling. For this reason, ablation offers a wider degree of freedom, for instance: related to the management of hot spots, or because it enables to process even wrought alloys. To understand the advantages of ablation in comparison to conventional casting processes, the most popular casting alloy, A356 alloy, has been selected. SDAS value of this alloy is commonly used to predict mechanical properties and is also stated as a requirement of cast products. The higher cooling rate in the last stage of solidification process obtained by ablation technology allows to obtain Quality Index of ablated A356-T6 alloy, significantly higher than any other casting technologies; higher than permanent mold process utilizing the design flexibility of a precision sand casting process.


Ana I. Fernández-Calvo, Emili Barbarias, Ibon Lizarralde, Asier Bakedano, Ramón Suárez


Ablation, Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing (SDAS), A356 aluminum alloy, Quality Index, Cooling rate


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