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Chemical Composition and Melt Treatment Optimization of 5XXX and 6XXX Alloys for Ablation Technology

One of the most interesting capabilities of ablation technology is its capability to manufacture uncastable alloys such as alloys of the 5XXX and 6XXX aluminium series. Two conventional wrought alloys with relatively low alloying content were selected aided by thermodynamic simulation to be manufactured by ablation casting technology. Two different grain refiners were tested and compared to unrefined melt alloy. A fine grain size of 0.25–0.30 mm was achieved. The refinement effect was clearly identifiable by thermal analysis technique for both alloys. The density index value and macroinclusion test grades were used to validate the low hydrogen content and the metals’ cleanliness. Thus, an optimized chemical composition and melt treatment are defined for 5154 and 6061 alloys suitable for manufacturing by ablation technology. For comparison, 6061 alloy was also cast in a conventional sand mould.


Acknowledgements: This researchwas partially supported by the Basque Governments Elkartek project managed by SPRI with the acronym IMAGINE and reference KK-2021/00120. The melt quality assessment device used was developed with support partially fundedby the REVaMP project from the European Union’s 284 H2020 under Grant Agreement No.869882.


Emili Barbarias (AZTERLAN), Asier Bakedano (AZTERLAN), Ibon Lizarralde (AZTERLAN), Sergio Orden (AZTERLAN), Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo (AZTERLAN).


ablation casting method, grain refinement, 5XXX alloys, 6XXX alloys, thermal analysis, melt treatment, metallurgical quality, IMAGINE project, REVaMP project.


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