Fundición de hierro, I+D+i, Jon Garay, Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suarez, Tecnologías de fundición
The present invention discloses a method for the manufacturing of ausferritic ductile iron alloy which comprises the following steps:
(i) casting a melt of a ductile iron alloy in a mould;
(ii) solidification of the casting in the mould and subsequent cooling until the casting temperature is between 800ºC and 950ºC;
(iii) shaking out the casting at said temperature between 800ºC and 950ºC;
(iv) cooling the casting until the temperature of the casting reaches a value between 275ºC to 450ºC with a high enough cooling rate in order to avoid the pearlitic nose;
(v) introducing the casting in an insulating material and leaving the casting inside for a period of time until a completely ausferritic microstructure is obtained. The invention also discloses the ausferritic ductile iron alloy produced by the present method.
Jon Garay, Ramón Suárez, Urko De la Torre.
Fundición dúctil, producción as-cast, ausferrita..
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