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Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

The improvement of the corrosion resistance of spheroidal graphite iron (FGE) has been achieved through a mixed fusion process with duplex steel and the casting material itself. The advantage of this process lies in the ability to adapt to complex shapes and geometries beside the possibility of optimizing the behavior of surfaces without incorporating additional coating and / or surface treatment operations. The microstructure characteristics of the two materials has been studied in depth as well as in the interface, achieving substantial improvements in the properties of resistance to corrosion in 0.03 M NaCl solution and hardness.


Enara Mardaras, Edurne Aguado, Rodolfo González-Martinez, Susana Méndez


korrosioaren aurreko erresistentzia, duplex altzairua, burdin galda. 


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