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Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility of R4 and R5 High-Strenght Mooring Steels in Cold and Warm Seawater

Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility ratios calculated from slow strain rate tensile tests have been employed to study the response of three high-strength mooring steels in cold and warm synthetic seawater. The selected nominal testing temperatures have been 3 °C and 23 °C in order to resemble sea sites of offshore platform installation interest, such as the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, respectively. Three scenarios have been studied for each temperature: free corrosion, cathodic protection and overprotection. An improvement on the hydrogen embrittlement tendency of the steels has been observed when working in cold conditions. This provides a new insight on the relevance of the seawater temperature as a characteristic to be taken into account for mooring line design in terms of hydrogen embrittlement assessment.


Garikoitz Artola, Alberto Arredondo (Vicinay Marine Innovación), Ana I. Fernández, Javier Aldazabal (Tecnun).


SSRT; hydrogen embrittlement; high-strength steel; cathodic protection; mooring; sea temperature effect.


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