Formability study of 2198 aluminium alloy for hot stamping

The aim of the present work is to assess the formability of the 2198 aluminum alloy for hot stamping applications by FLD0 testing. The development of the FLD0 tests was carried out for sheet material at elevated temperature. The formability evaluation using FLD (forming limit dia-grams) at elevated temperature is a complex and time-consuming job. Instead of measuring the whole map of strain combinations of FLD, an alternative test method has been employed using the FLD0 that enables to assess the formability with a tensile test machine and a specially designed test rig. This method allows simulating the plane strain condition to fracture and approach-es the FLD of a material sheet at elevated temperature with less effort.

Maider Muro, Garikoitz Artola, Mónica Carranza (Batz S. Coop.).


2198 aluminum alloy, hot stamping, FLD0 testing, RIB-ON project.


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