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Relation between the damping capacity and tensile strength of alloyed nodular cast irons for braking system components

The automotive industry has been conducting researches and continuously improving components aiming to decrease their weight maintaining high mechanical properties which in many cases may decrease the damping capacity of automotive parts, something especially important for braking systems due to NVH. In this work, an experimental study of mechanical properties, microstructural analysis and damping capacity was carried out on different compositions of nodular cast iron. The research goal is the achievement of the best compromise between the mechanical properties required for the braking system parts and their damping capacity.


Inês Pereira (University of Porto & CITNM), Gorka Alonso, Vítor Anjos (CITNM), Luís Filipe Malheiros (University of Porto), Rámon Suarez


Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH), Damping capacity, Nodular cast iron.


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