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Development of New Hybrid Composites for High-Temperature Applications

Nowadays, in the automation and aircraft industries, there is a challenge in minimizing the weight of components of vehicles without losing the original properties. In this study, we fabricate hybrid composites based on fiber metal laminates; these materials could be promising composites for high-performance applications. This work is focused on analyzing the effect of high temperature (175 °C) on the mechanical properties of these kind of materials, by introducing NaOH and silane adhesion treatments between metal and prepreg layers and by using vacuum molding processes. Fabricated FML (NaOH treatment) shows a significant improvement in tensile strength in comparison with the ARALL and GLARE reported by ESA. Moreover, developed FMLs at 175 °C kept more than 70% of their tensile strength and modulus and kept 4% of tensile strain at room temperature. The prominent conclusion achieved in this work has been that excellent candidates have been obtained for a wide range of applications, including but not limited to space and aerospace applications.


Rubén Seoane-Rivero (Gaiker), Lorena Germán (Gaiker), Fernando Santos, Koldo Gondra (Gaiker)


FML; composite; epoxy; carbon fiber; aluminum; temperature


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Jarri kontaktuan Maider Muro-rekin.

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Jarri kontaktuan Ander Areitioaurtena-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

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