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Carbon content control during the production process of high carbon brake discs

The physical properties of high carbon brake discs are strongly affected by the content of this element, including the ability to dissipate the heat produced during the braking of the vehicle. In the normal manufacturing process there is a decrease in the carbon percentage, with regard to the original content registered in the furnace. During the course of this study, the variables that have any influence on this loss of carbon have been obtained.

As a consequence, a mathematical model has been developed which identifies, in a precise manner, the carbon percentage in each of the process steps. This enables its use at any time, without the need for additional controls, resulting in cost and logistics savings, ensuring the fulfilment of the material requirements.


U. Muruzábal, C. Nava, C. Ruiz, Iker Asenjo, Pello Larrañaga, Ramón Suárez.


balazta diskoak, galgak, karbono edukiaren kontrola, karbono edukia.


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