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Burdinurtu pieza bat fabrikatzeko metodoa eta fabrikatutako pieza

The present invention describes a method for manufacturing a spheroidal pearlitic cast iron part which comprises: preparing an alloy with the following chemical composition (percentages expressed by weight with respect to the total weight of the alloy) C = 3.60-3.70%; Si = 2.20-2.30%; Mn = 0.40-0.60%; P = 0.02-0.04%; S = 0.005-0.008%; Cu = 0.90-1.00%; Mg = 0.03-0.04%; N = 0.005-0.008%; the rest of the chemical composition being Fe and other residual elements; casting the alloy in a sand mold and inoculating an inoculant material in a casting vein with a determined addition flow rate, a determined granulometry, and in an amount comprised between 0.20-0.25% by weight with respect to the amount of the iron cast, wherein said inoculant material has the chemical composition Si = 75.1%; Al = 0.89%; Ca = 0.93%; S = 0.11% and Ce = 0.70%; or Si = 73.1%; Al = 0.71%; Ca = 1.75%; S = 0.06% and Bi = 0.88%., the rest being Fe. The invention also relates to the cast iron part obtained by means of said method.


Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suárez, Adrián Monzón (INFUN S.A.), Joan Serrallach (INFUN S.A.)..


Burdinurtua, galdaketa perlitikoa, propietate mekanikoak hobetzea, galdatu ahala, as cast.


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Jarri kontaktuan Maider Muro-rekin.

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Jarri kontaktuan Ander Areitioaurtena-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Juan J. Bravo-rekin.

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