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Burdin harikor ausferritikoa as-cast ekoizteko metodoa.

The present invention discloses a method for the manufacturing of ausferritic ductile iron alloy which comprises the following steps:

(i) casting a melt of a ductile iron alloy in a mould;

(ii) solidification of the casting in the mould and subsequent cooling until the casting temperature is between 800ºC and 950ºC;

(iii) shaking out the casting at said temperature between 800ºC and 950ºC;

(iv) cooling the casting until the temperature of the casting reaches a value between 275ºC to 450ºC with a high enough cooling rate in order to avoid the pearlitic nose;

(v) introducing the casting in an insulating material and leaving the casting inside for a period of time until a completely ausferritic microstructure is obtained. The invention also discloses the ausferritic ductile iron alloy produced by the present method.


Jon Garay, Ramón Suárez, Urko De la Torre.


Galdaketa harikorra, as-cast produkzioa, ausferrita


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Jarri kontaktuan Xabierrekin

Jarri kontaktuan Maider Muro-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Urko de la Torre-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Anna Regordosa-rekin

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Ander Areitioaurtena-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Juan J. Bravo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Garcia-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Jose Ramon-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Oihana-rekin.

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